Kamis, 16 Juli 2015

Motion Debat Bahasa Inggris : THBT School Should Banned Student to Brings Gadget to School

Saya akan mencoba membuat motion debat bahasa inggris, kali ini saya akan coba membuat topik tentang THBT School Should Banned Student to Brings Gadget to School.

   Jadi kali ini saya akan membahas motion tersebut, dengan argumen dari Affirmative dan Negative team.

  • First Speaker (Affirmative)
    So ladies and gentlemen our motion today is THBT School Should Banned Student to Brings Gadget to School and i'm from Affirmative team really agree with the motion, first of all let me introduce my team split (.........) . Before we start to the argument things let me make definition about School, school is place to where we study and learn such things wich is exact thing or non-exact thing, and gadget is an electronic thing to communicate with others and has multifunction. Now the argument, so ladies and gentlemen there's reason why we agree with this motion, first of all i'll give parameter, our parameter today is Gadget: Phone, tablet. The question now why student should bring theirs phone or tablet to school i mean it's just unnecessary because almost all school has theirs own computers lab in their school, so they doesn't have reason to "googling", and like our parameter before, you can still bring laptop if you want, and that's why we don't need any phone or tablet in school.

  • First Speaker (Negative)
    Ladies and gentlemen now my turn to give my argument, but i'd like to give my team split first (.....) and i'd like to rebut first speaker from affirmative team (.......) . Now to the arguments, we from Negative team really really disagree with the motion, and theres reason as well to support it. First, you just said that we can bring laptop to school, but did you realized ? not all of us have laptop, i mean almost all of us have phone, and why we're not maximizing using the phone, we can search the what are we gonna study from the internet right ? and phone is absolutely easier than laptop, how it could be harm for us ?.

  • Second Speaker (Affirmative)
   Now it's my turn to deliver my speech, but first i'd like to rebut the First Speaker from negative team (........). Now to the arguments, well ladies and gentlemen, there's other reason why we're agree with the motion, first, you know that almost everybody has social media, almost everybody has facebook, BBM or other social media, you know what happened if we brings them in to school ? they will not focus to the study, they will busy chat with her/his friends, open facebook, youtube in class, how mess is that right ? that's the other reason why we can't bring gadget to school.

  • Second Speaker (Negative)
   Now it's my turn to deliver my speech, but first i'd like to rebut the second speaker from affirmative team (.......). Now to the argument, there's lot benefit for us when we brings gadget to school except from the internet side, even for me, this is a fact from my own experience that from Physic study the students require to brings calculator that has sin and cos thing, all of us have phone, but not all of us have calculator so we have to buy the calculator, why i'm talking like this ? because as you know all phones now have calculator inside, then why we're not using this thing ? why we still buy calculator if we have calculator in our phones right ? that's why we should bring gadget to school.

  • Third Speaker (Affirmative)
   I'd rebutle first (..........), and i'll give a conclusion from what first speaker and second speaker from my team says (...........).

  • Third Speaker (Negative)
   I'd rebutle first (..........), and i'll give a conclusion from what first speaker and second speaker from my team says (...........).
Source: -Personal experience
             -Agenda debat ESC SMAN 1 Rangkasbitung